
Charleston deserves a strong, serious leader who connects with all people and who will develop clear plans to improve our City.

Preserve Our History

Charleston is a city rich with history, culture, and traditions. From its cobblestone streets to old-fashioned architecture, the city has managed to maintain its charm and character over the years. In order to preserve this history for future generations, it is important to take active steps toward its conservation. Preserving history is not only a way of acknowledging the importance of the past but also a way of promoting educational opportunities for those who seek to understand the heritage of Charleston. Through museums, tours, and its beautiful charm, we can ensure that Charleston’s rich past lives on for many years to come.

Protect Our Residents & Visitors

Charleston is not only a charming southern city, but it is also a popular tourist destination. As residents, we take pride in our community and want to ensure the safety of all who visit us. The protection of our residents and visitors is of utmost importance, and we take this matter seriously. From the well-trained police force to the community watch programs, we are dedicated to implementing measures to keep everyone safe. We encourage visitors to take advantage of our public transportation system, which offers safe and convenient options for exploring our beautiful city. Furthermore, we urge everyone to be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity immediately. Together, we can make Charleston a place where everyone feels safe and secure.

Pride In Our City & People

Charleston is a place of immense pride. From its picturesque streets to its engaging community, this city is what dreams are made of. The people of Charleston embody the vibrant spirit that makes the city a place worth calling home. They are passionate, kind-hearted, and fiercely loyal to their roots. Whether it be the delectable Lowcountry cuisine or the rich history that lies within the walls of colorful antebellum homes, the people here will always have a story to share. Embrace the undeniable sense of pride that emanates from Charleston, where every street corner serves as a reminder of the city’s remarkable charm and beauty.

Improve Our Infrastructure

As anyone who has lived or visited Charleston knows, the city’s infrastructure is in dire need of improvement. From the traffic congestion around the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge to the aging water and sewage systems, it is clear that the city needs to invest in its infrastructure if it wants to continue to grow and thrive. However, improving infrastructure is not simply about fixing what is broken. It is also an opportunity to make the city a better place to live for everyone. Whether it means implementing more bike lanes and green spaces or investing in state-of-the-art public transportation, improving Charleston’s infrastructure is crucial for the city’s future success.

Support Our Local Businesses

Charleston is not only a beautiful city, but it’s also a hub for small businesses. Supporting local businesses not only helps the owners make a living, but it also helps create a sense of community within the town. From coffee shops to boutiques, Charleston has a diverse selection of local businesses that offer unique products. Investing in local businesses allows for the creation of more job opportunities and promotes economic growth. By supporting these businesses, we are also preserving the character and charm of Charleston. So next time you’re out and about in this lovely city, take a detour and support some local businesses. Your support goes a long way in maintaining the local economy and creating a positive impact on the community.

Work Toward Inclusivity

Charleston is known as the “Holy City” for its abundance of churches, but it’s also becoming known for its efforts to be more inclusive. The city is committed to promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion for all residents and visitors. This includes implementing programs and policies to support inclusion for underrepresented communities, such as people of color and the LGBTQ+ community. Charleston has made strides in creating a more welcoming environment for everyone, and it’s continuing to work towards being a city that truly embraces diversity. By striving for inclusivity, Charleston is creating a community that celebrates differences and recognizes the value of every individual.

Create a Mayor’s Task Advisory Committee for Every Area

As a way to increase community involvement and better address the needs of each neighborhood, creating Mayor’s Task Advisory Committees for every area is necessary. From the Peninsula to Daniel Island, each region has its unique challenges and opportunities, and having a committee dedicated to each area allows for a more focused approach to addressing these issues. The committees can bring together community leaders, residents, and city officials to discuss and prioritize specific projects and initiatives for their respective neighborhoods. This ensures that each area’s unique needs are being directly addressed and helps foster a sense of ownership and pride in the community. With input from the committees, the city can better allocate resources and work towards improving the quality of life for all residents.

Hold regular monthly Town Hall Meetings

As a community, it is important to have open communication and transparency with our local officials. That’s why the idea of regular monthly Mayoral Town Hall Meetings is essential in fostering a strong relationship between residents and the city government. These meetings provide an opportunity for citizens to voice their opinions, ask questions, and offer suggestions on how to improve our community. It also allows the mayor to update the community on the city’s progress and plans for the future. By establishing a regular forum for open dialogue, we can work together to make Charleston an even better place to live,  work, and play. So let’s join together and make our voices heard at the next Mayoral Town Hall Meeting!

Evaluate all current City Departments

Charleston is a beautiful city with a rich history and thriving culture. With so many different departments working together to keep the city running smoothly, it’s important to evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency. From the police department to the parks and recreation department, each one plays a crucial role in ensuring that Charleston remains a top destination for visitors and a great place to call home. By taking a critical look at these departments and identifying areas for improvement, the city can continue to grow and thrive for years to come.


Charleston, SC, is known for its charming cobblestone streets, sprawling gardens, and historic architecture. However, for those with physical disabilities or mobility issues, the city’s charm can be lost amidst the struggles of getting around. That’s why it’s essential to focus on improving accessibility in Charleston. Whether it’s through renovating roads and walkways, adding more wheelchair-friendly parking spots, or enhancing public transportation services, there’s plenty of work to be done. By prioritizing accessibility, we can make Charleston a more inclusive, welcoming place for everyone to enjoy.

Walkways and Bike Lanes

Charleston, known for its beautiful Southern charm and historic landmarks, is taking strides toward becoming a more pedestrian and bike-friendly city. Walkways and bike lanes are being built throughout the area to encourage residents and visitors to explore the beautiful scenery on foot or by bike. With a bustling downtown area and an abundance of beautiful parks, it’s no surprise that more locals are opting to hit the streets on foot or by bike. These new pathways will not only make the city a more vibrant and active place, but they will also promote a healthier lifestyle for everyone who lives and visits here. So, grab your running shoes or bike helmet and start exploring all that Charleston has to offer!

Prepare for Future Flooding

As a coastal town, Charleston is no stranger to the destructive power of flooding. With climate change exacerbating weather patterns, it’s more important than ever to prepare for future flooding. Strengthening our waste water drainage and elevating flood-prone streets are practical measures that we can take to protect our homes and businesses from damage. However, it’s not just about infrastructure. We also need to support the public safety sector that works tirelessly to keep our community safe. This means hiring and training the best and brightest and giving them the resources they need to do their jobs effectively. By working together, we can ensure that our city is ready for whatever challenges the future may bring.

Keep Charleston Beautiful

Like any city, Charleston has its fair share of issues when it comes to maintenance and upkeep. Broken street lamps cracked sidewalks, and unsightly graffiti can take away from our city’s beauty and be an eyesore for residents and tourists alike. That’s why it’s essential to keep Charleston beautiful and create new programs to make this possible. With the help of initiatives aimed at litter cleanup and graffiti removal, the city will look its best. Let’s work together to keep Charleston clean, and we can ensure that this city remains one of the most fantastic places to live or visit.

Homes & Buildings

Charleston is a city with a rich history, boasting many beautiful homes and buildings that have stood the test of time. However, not all structures are able to withstand the wear and tear of time or the elements. That’s why I am committed to removing dangerous and dilapidated buildings that pose a threat to the community, while also preserving historical structures that add character to the city. Additionally, we need to recognize that not all homeowners have the financial means to make necessary repairs to their homes. As such, resources are available to assist those in need, ensuring that everyone can enjoy safe and comfortable living conditions. With a focus on safety, history, and community – together, we can take care of residents and their homes.